Defending a violent crime case such as simple or aggravated assault, involves a great deal of investigation and creative thought. Frequently there are legitimate defenses to these charges that have to be brought to light. Perhaps the person charged was simply acting in self-defense. Perhaps the person did not have the intent to commit the crime charges. Perhaps there are other, mitigating factors that warrant reducing the charges and the ultimate penalty. Sometimes gathering and analyzing certain evidence can result in the reduction of charges. A defense attorney must carefully think through and investigate all possible angles in violent crime cases to ensure the best possible result for the client.
Simple Assault:
The charge of simple assault is a misdemeanor offense that is charged when someone attempts to cause or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another; negligently causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon or attempts by physical menace to put another in fear of eminent serious bodily injury.
Aggravated Assault:
The charge of aggravated assault is a felony offense and is charged when someone attempts to cause or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes serious bodily injury; attempts to cause or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes injury to a to a police officer, probation officer or other court related official or attempts to cause or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes serious bodily injury with a deadly weapon.
At the Law Office of Alan Ross, the criminal defense lawyers will carefully examine all of the circumstances and actions that led up to the alleged crime. They will look at every possible avenue to develop the strongest possible defense for you.